How to Translate Complex Business Documents – Tips for Accuracy and Clarity

Translate Complex Business Documents

In 1980, Willie Ramirez, a Cuban-American high school athlete, was admitted to a Florida hospital experiencing severe headaches and intermittent consciousness. His family, speaking Spanish, used the word “intoxicado” to describe his condition, intending to convey that he was suffering from food poisoning. However, medical staff misinterpreted “intoxicado” as “intoxicated,” assuming he had overdosed on … Read more

What Are the Tax Rules for Prizes and Awards?

Prize and Award

Winning something—whether it’s a cash prize, a car, or even an exotic vacation—is a moment to celebrate. But before you get into enjoying your newfound fortune, there’s an important reality to face: taxes. Yep, the IRS sees winnings as taxable income. Let’s seewhat that means for your prize and how to prepare for it. Taxing … Read more